dollar: n.1.美元〔符号为$〕。2.元〔加拿大等国的货币单位,如加元,澳元等〕。3.一元金币〔银币,纸币〕; 〔英俚〕五先令银币 (= crown)。4.〔the dollars〕金钱,财富。5.【物理学】元(原子堆的反应性单位,指缓发中子产生的反应性〕。短语和例子Hong Kong dollar 港币。 bet one's bottom dollars 〔美口〕确信,必然 (I
In 1996 we established the real time gross settlement rtgs payment system for hong kong dollar transactions among banks 金管局在1996年推出银行同业港元支付结算系统即时支付结算系统。
The purpose of this us dollar clearing system is to facilitate the efficient settlement of us dollar transactions in our time zone 推出美元结算系统的目的,是要促进在亚洲时区内进行美元交易的结算效率。
There have been occasions when large scale hong kong dollar transactions such as in the case of large initial public offerings created extreme conditions in the interbank market 过去一些涉及大量港元交易的例子例如大型发售新股活动,曾引致银行同业市场出现极端的情况。